COVID-19 Our Response

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As the world faces unprecedented health crisis, we stand with our people. This means our employees who work tirelessly to bring energy to the world. It means our communities, the neighbors and the families who support us. And it means the global community – for whom energy is an essential and integral part of their lives.

To our people around the world, we are ready and we are responsive. We are in this together.

“At Aramco Malaysia we are committed to doing everything we can to manage the Covid-19 situation, such as implementing various health and precautionary measures among our stakeholders - particularly our staff. This is evident through our Emergency Response Plan which manages emergency responses for our staff, as well as business continuity plans during the crisis.”

Saad Al-Qahtani, Managing Director, Aramco Malaysia

About our response

Aramco Malaysia is committed to the safety of our people while ensuring the continuity of our operations. Resources were deployed in early March 2020 to help manage the situation, and some of the initiatives which have been achieved include:


  • Daily monitoring and pro-active communication on the situation for our staff and internal stakeholders (which includes our joint venture PrefChem) to ensure that they are safe.
  • Daily local reporting to Aramco Asia and Aramco Crisis Management Team (CEMAC) on the current Covid-19 situation on the ground.
  • Regular communications are sent to all employees on precautionary measures, contact numbers of designated Covid-19 treatment hospitals, and our 24 hour emergency number.


  • Close liaison and communication with the government authorities and agencies for regular updates on Covid-19.


  • Production of our local Emergency Response Plan (ERP) that covers emergencies like pandemics'. The Crisis Management Team (CMT) also had a simulation exercise after which we were able to identify gaps in the ERP.
  • We assisted the evacuation of the Marjan project team from Malaysia, where 33 Secondees and 75 dependents were evacuated from Kuala Lumpur to Saudi Arabia. Also, coordinated with the COVID-19 committee – Repatriation Program Taskforce for Assignees who wants to send their family members to Saudi.
  • Our HR prepared a local Work From Home policy as part of our business continuity plans. Additionally procurement and distribution of hand sanitizers, face masks and hand wipes to Aramco Singapore office, Aramco Employees and families in Malaysia (Aramco Malaysia, PRefChem, Marjan and Students).

For more information and medical advice on COVID-19 around the world, please visit the World Health Organization (WHO) website.